Saturday, December 6, 2008

An old friend from home...

I have known Les since we were young children, growing up in the same neighborhood. I spent many nights sitting in Les' house holding insane discussions with his dad about pissed off everyone should be with Goldie Meier in Israel and how the hell can you feed all the people in Houston. I was at his house when he was laid up with his back operation, listening to Yes albums and making fun of everything we could think of. Les and I spent our first summer out of high school in Switzerland working and traveling. When he would come home from Houston, we would go out to drink to excess and laugh until we hurt. Les told me the last time I was with him that he thought I was the funniest guy he knew but I explained to him that it was being with him and feeding off each other that made our conversations hilarious. We have all lost a good friend and I lost half of my muse. I wll miss him deeply. Rest in peace dear friend. Bob Hoagland

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He was a wonderful professor. Definitely a favorite for me. He really pushed us to think beyond our comfort zone, and I appreciate that tremendously. He was brilliant, humorous, and genuine. I know he will be missed. Thank you, Dr. Marenchin.